OpenSwoole Hook TCP

4.x is outdated, please check the latest version 22.x

Latest version: pecl install openswoole-22.1.2

The SWOOLE_HOOK_TCP flag will enable coroutine support for TCP sockets and streams.

This includes:

Since v4.1.0 OpenSwoole began to support TCP sockets and streams, you can use native Redis and PDO classes when enabling this hook.



Co::set(['hook_flags' => SWOOLE_HOOK_TCP]);

    for($c = 100; $c--;)
            $redis = new Redis();
            $redis->connect('', 6379);

Server Example


Co::set(['hook_flags' => SWOOLE_HOOK_TCP]);

$http = new Swoole\Http\Server("", 9501);

$http->set(['enable_coroutine' => true]);

$http->on('Request', function($request, $response)
      $redis = new Redis();
      $redis->connect('', 6379);


Remember you don't need to create a coroutine context with Co\run() when running a server as one is created for you during a request.

Last updated on August 31, 2022