Open Swoole Features
4.x is outdated, please check the latest version 25.x
Latest version: pecl install openswoole-25.2.0
- Rapid development of high-performance protocol servers & clients with PHP
- Event-driven, asynchronous programming for PHP
- Coroutine based concurrent asynchronous IO programming
- Event Loop API
- Linux process management
- In-memory storage and management
- Coroutine Async TCP/UDP/HTTP/WebSocket/HTTP2 client and server
- Coroutine Async TCP/UDP client
- Coroutine Async
client and connection pool - Coroutine Async
client - Coroutine Async DNS client
- Coroutine Async
HTTP client - Coroutine Async
client - Message Queue API
- Async Task API
- Milliseconds scheduler
- Coroutine Async File I/O API
- Golang style channels
- System locks API: Filelock, Readwrite lock, semaphore, Mutex, spinlock
- IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP and SSL/TLS support
- Client side connection pool
- MQTT protocol support
- FastCGI client and FastCGI proxy
- Web service and system
- Mobile service and system
- Online gaming system
- Internet of things (IoT) system
- Smart home system
- Realtime trading system
- Data processing system
OpenSwoole framework is open source and free. Released under the license of Apache 2.0.