OpenSwoole Async File I/O

Latest version: pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5

This class or function have been deprecated.

The swoole provides the functions of asynchronous file I/O.

The task process in OpenSwoole\Constant::server is syncing and blocking without using EventLoop, can't benefit from Async I/O.

OpenSwoole\Async::set(array $setting)

Alias: OpenSwoole\Constant::async_set(array $setting)

Update the Async I/O options:

  • thread_num: number of async file I/O threads

  • aio_mode: AIO mode: OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_BASE/OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_LINUX

    OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_LINUX : use the linux native aio system call OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_BASE : use the thread pool to realize the async io

  • enable_signalfd: whether enable signalfd

  • socket_buffer_size: socket buffer size

  • socket_dontwait: do not block when the buffer is full

    'aio_mode' => OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_LINUX,
OpenSwoole\Async::readfile(string $filename, callable $callback)

Alias: OpenSwoole\Constant::async_readfile(string $filename, callable $callback);

Read files in the async way. When the operation of reading content from file finished, the callback registered is callback automatically.

The max length of file is 4M.


OpenSwoole\Constant::async_readfile(__DIR__."/server.php", function($filename, $content) {
     echo "$filename: $content";
OpenSwoole\Async::writefile(string $filename, string $fileContent, callable $callback = null, int $flags = 0)

Alias: OpenSwoole\Constant::async_writefile(string $filename, string $fileContent, callable $callback = null, int $flags = 0)

Write file in the async way. When the operation of writing content to file finished, the callback registered is callback automatically.

  • $filename the file path of file. If fail to open this file, the method return false;

  • $fileContent the content to write to the file, The max length is 4M.

  • $callback the callback function triggered when the operation of writing content to file finished.

  • $flags FILE_APPEND: append content to the end of file. If the aio mode setted by OpenSwoole\Constant::async_set is OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_BASE, the method can't support append content to the end of file and must set the value of $fileContent to integer multiples of 4096.


OpenSwoole\Constant::async_writefile('test.log', $file_content, function($filename) {
    echo "wirte ok.\n";
}, $flags = 0);
OpenSwoole\Async::read(string $filename, mixed $callback, int $size = 8192, int $offset = 0)

Alias: OpenSwoole\Constant::async_read(string $filename, mixed $callback, int $size = 8192, int $offset = 0)

Read the file content stream in the async way. When the operation of reading content from file finished, the callback registered is callback automatically.

The difference between this method and OpenSwoole\Constant::async_readfile is that the former reads file by fragment and uses less memory. This method reads content of $size length from file every time and can be used to read big file.

  • $size the size of content to read from file

The callback function prototype is:

bool callback(string $filename, string $content);
  • $filename the name of file

  • $content the content readed from the file.

You can control that if continue to read file by return true or false in the callback function.

  • return true; continue to read file

  • return false; stop to read file and close file

OpenSwoole\Async::write(string $filename, string $content, int $offset = -1, callable $callback = NULL)

Alias: bool OpenSwoole\Constant::async_write(string $filename, string $content, int $offset = -1, callable $callback = NULL);

Write file stream in the async way. When the operation of writing content to file finished, the callback registered is callback automatically.

The difference between this method and OpenSwoole\Constant::async_writefile is that the former writes file by fragment and uses less memory.

  • $offset The method uses the $offset parameter to decide the postion to write file. If the $offset is setted to -1, it stands for that it appends content to the end of file. If the aio mode setted by OpenSwoole\Constant::async_set is OpenSwoole\Constant::AIO_BASE, the method can't support append content to the end of file and must set the value of $content and $offset to integer multiples of 512. Otherwise the call of this method will fail and set the error code to EINVAL.
OpenSwoole\Async::dns_lookup(string $host, callable $callback)

Alias: OpenSwoole\Constant::async_dns_lookup(string $host, callable $callback)

Async DNS lookup. The call of this method is non-blocking.

  • If the operation of DNS lookup finished, the callback registered is called automatically.
  • If the operation of DNS lookup failed, the callback registered is also called automatically and the parameter $ip will be empty.


// Disable DNS cache
    'disable_dns_cache' => true,
// Set the DNS server list
    'dns_server' => '',
// Lookup using random DNS server
    'dns_lookup_random' => true,

// Lookup the DNS of
OpenSwoole\Constant::async_dns_lookup("", function($host, $ip){
    echo "{$host} : {$ip}\n";
echo "start async dns lookup\n";
Last updated on September 20, 2022