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pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5
<?php OpenSwoole\Coroutine\Channel->push(mixed $data, float $timeout = -1): bool
The data you want to add to the channel stack, can be any PHP variable, including anonymous functions and resources.
Sets the timeout period for when the channel is full, false
will be returned if the timeout is reached
A successful push will return true
and a closed channel or timeout will return false
Writes data to the channel.
Wait and push one element into the queue of the channel.
$chan = new OpenSwoole\Coroutine\Channel(1);
co::run(function () use ($chan) {
$cid = OpenSwoole\Coroutine::getCid();
$i = 0;
while (1) {
$chan->push(['rand' => rand(1000, 9999), 'index' => $i]);
echo "[coroutine $cid] - $i\n";
co::run(function () use ($chan) {
$cid = OpenSwoole\Coroutine::getCid();
while(1) {
$data = $chan->pop();
echo "[coroutine $cid]\n";
Coroutine channels use local memory, memory is isolated between different processes. Only in same process push and pop operations work with different coroutines.
You can use $channel->errCode
to access the error code for more detail on what happened.
To avoid ambiguity, do not write data into an empty channel that could be classed as an error, such as
, an empty string ornull