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pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5
<?php OpenSwoole\Coroutine::getContext(int $cid = 0)
Coroutine ID. By default, use the ID of current coroutine.
The context of a coroutine
Get the context of a coroutine by coroutine ID.
function php_object_id($object)
static $id = 0;
static $map = [];
$hash = spl_object_hash($object);
return $map[$hash] ?? ($map[$hash] = ++$id);
class Resource
public function __construct()
echo __CLASS__ . '#' . php_object_id((object)$this) . ' constructed' . PHP_EOL;
public function __destruct()
echo __CLASS__ . '#' . php_object_id((object)$this) . ' destructed' . PHP_EOL;
co::run(function () {
$context = OpenSwoole\Coroutine::getContext();
$context['resource1'] = new Resource;