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Latest version:
pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5
<?php OpenSwoole\Server->getSocket()
If successful, a socket resource handle is returned.
Get a socket resource handle and update the options of the socket.
This method is based on the PHP socket extension and it needs to be compiled with the --enable-sockets
configuration when installing Swoole.
There are multiple ways to use the socket resource.
Using the listen
method of returned port, you can use OpenSwoole\Server\Port
object to get a socket resource/handler.
$port = $server->listen('', 9502, OpenSwoole\Constant::SOCK_TCP);
$socket = $port->getSocket();
Using the socket_set_option
function to set the number of lower-level socket parameters.
$socket = $server->getSocket();
if (!socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1))
echo 'Unable to set option on socket: '. socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . PHP_EOL;
Use socket_set_option
parameters to add a socket to a multicast network to monitor packets.
$server = new OpenSwoole\Server('', 9905, OpenSwoole\Server::SIMPLE_MODE, OpenSwoole\Constant::SOCK_UDP);
['worker_num' => 1]
$socket = $server->getSocket();
$ret = socket_set_option(
'group' => '', // Represents a multicast address
'interface' => 'eth0', // Indicates the name of the network interface, which can be a number or a string, such as eth0, wlan0
if ($ret === false)
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to join the multicast group');
$server->on('Packet', function (OpenSwoole\Server $serv, $data, $addr)
$serv->sendto($addr['address'], $addr['port'], "OpenSwoole: $data");
var_dump( $addr, strlen($data));