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<?php OpenSwoole\Timer::tick(int $interval_ms, callable $callback_function, mixed ...$params = null)\:\ int|bool
Interval duration in milliseconds
Callback function to run
The parameters passed into the callback function, this is optional
if success, it returns the timer_id
if the operation failed, it returns false
Start a timer which is calling the callback function based on the $interval_ms
duration which is in milliseconds.
The timer interval cannot exceed the maximum value of 86400000
. The timer will continue to run until the process is stopped or when you call OpenSwoole\Timer::clear*
A timer will remain apart of the same process space where it started from.
function(int $timerId) {
// ...
You can also take advantage of the use
anonymous syntax to pass parameters to the callback function:
$bar = 23;
function(int $timerId) use ($bar) {
$bar += 7;
// ...
The callback function will first include the ID of the timer that was started and then any parameters. You can use this ID to clear the timer.
function run($timerId, $param1, $param2) {
OpenSwoole\Timer::tick(1000, "run", ["param1", "param2"]);
OpenSwoole\Timer::tick(3000, function (int $timerId, $param1, $param2)
echo "timerId #$timerId, after 3000ms.\n";
echo "param1 is $param1, param2 is $param2.\n";
OpenSwoole\Timer::tick(14000, function ($timerId)
echo "timerId #$timerId, after 14000ms.\n";
}, "A", "B");
The execution of the callback function does not affect the execution of the next timer interval. If a timer runs for a long period of time it may overlap the next interval. As long as the process is not blocked by the operation of a timer, others will not be affected.
If you have enabled coroutines within timers, you won't need to create the initial coroutine context, learn more about this with Timer:set
When using timers you must run non-blocking code or enable coroutine hooks but as an example you cannot run:
OpenSwoole\Timer::tick(3000, function () {
echo "after 3000ms.\n";
echo "after 14000ms.\n";