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Latest version:
pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5
<?php OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server->on('Start', callable $callback)
The event name to set a callback for
Callable function for the server event type
If success, it returns true
, otherwise it returns false
This function is executed when the WebSocket server starts, this causes the event loop to trigger the Start
event. You may perform startup tasks within this callback but do not perform any blocking operations at this stage.
use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Server;
use OpenSwoole\Http\Request;
use OpenSwoole\WebSocket\Frame;
$server = new Server("", 9501);
$server->on("Start", function(Server $server)
echo "OpenSwoole WebSocket Server started at\n";
$server->on('Open', function(Server $server, OpenSwoole\Http\Request $request)
echo "connection open: {$request->fd}\n";
$server->tick(1000, function() use ($server, $request)
$server->push($request->fd, json_encode(["hello", time()]));
$server->on('Message', function(Server $server, Frame $frame)
echo "received message: {$frame->data}\n";
$server->push($frame->fd, json_encode(["hello", time()]));
$server->on('Close', function(Server $server, int $fd)
echo "connection close: {$fd}\n";