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4.x is outdated, please check the latest version 25.x
Latest version:
pecl install openswoole-25.2.0
<?php Swoole\WebSocket\Server->start(): bool
If success, it returns true
, otherwise it returns false
Starts the WebSocket server. See the 'Start' event callback.
use Swoole\WebSocket\Server;
use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\WebSocket\Frame;
$server = new Server("", 9501);
$server->on("Start", function(Server $server)
echo "Swoole WebSocket Server started at\n";
$server->on('Open', function(Server $server, Swoole\Http\Request $request)
echo "connection open: {$request->fd}\n";
$server->tick(1000, function() use ($server, $request)
$server->push($request->fd, json_encode(["hello", time()]));
$server->on('Message', function(Server $server, Frame $frame)
echo "received message: {$frame->data}\n";
$server->push($frame->fd, json_encode(["hello", time()]));
$server->on('Close', function(Server $server, int $fd)
echo "connection close: {$fd}\n";