Open Swoole Modules

Latest version: pecl install openswoole-25.2.0 | composer require openswoole/core:22.1.5

Open Swoole Server

Open Swoole server provides the API to write TCP / UDP / UnixSocket servers.

Methods List
Callback functions
Common problems

Open Swoole HTTP Server

Open Swoole HTTP server provides the API to write HTTP servers.

Methods List
Common issues

Open Swoole WebSocket Server

Open Swoole WebSocket server provides the API to write WebSocket servers.

Open Swoole Redis Server

Open Swoole Redis server provides the API to write TCP servers with Redis protocol.

Open Swoole TCP/UDP Client

Open Swoole client provide the API to write TCP/UDP/UnixSocket/HTTP clients, supports IPv4/IPv6 protocol. Developers can write sync or async client side features with swoole client API.

Methods List
Callback functions
Properties List
Predefined Constants
Configurations List
Common Problems

Open Swoole Multiprocessing

Open Swoole Process

Linux process management module can be used to create new Linux process, manage the processes, and the communication between different processes. Swoole Process Methods List

Open Swoole Table

Open Swoole table is a high performance memory management module, implemented based on shared memory and spin lock.

Open Swoole Lock

Open Swoole locks enable PHP developers use locks for data synchronization between multiple theads or processes.

Open Swoole Atomic

Integer variable allows any processor to atomically test and modify. Implemented based on CPU atomic instructions.

Event Loop

Developers can use Open Swoole EventLoop API to use the system EventLoop.


Schedule functions to run at set intervals, accurate to milliseconds.

Last updated on March 31, 2022