Swoole v4.5.9 released today with multiple new features and enhancement. The major changes are compliantable with the PHP 8.0.0 released today.
There is a good explaination article about the new features in PHP 8 at What's new in PHP 8 by @brendt_gd.
You can also check PHP 8.0 Announcement Addendum and Migrating guide from PHP 7.4.x to PHP 8.0.x.
Open Swoole 4.5.9 release is mainly for the latest PHP 8.0.0 core changes.
+ Added SWOOLE_HTTP_CLIENT_ESTATUS_SEND_FAILED constant for Coroutine\\Http\\Client (#3873) (@sy-records)
* Fixed PHP8 compatibility (#3868) (#3869) (#3872) (@twose) (@huanghantao) (@doubaokun)
* Fixed undefined constant CURLOPT_HEADEROPT and CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER (swoole/library#77) (@sy-records)
* Fixed CURLOPT_USERPWD (swoole/library@7952a7b) (@twose)
New APIs
+ Added swoole_error_log function (swoole/swoole-src@67d2bff) (@matyhtf)
+ Supported SSL for readVector and writeVector (#3857) (@huanghantao)
+ Did not wait when the child process does not exist (#3832) (@matyhtf)
+ Supported DTLS 16k record (#3849) (@matyhtf)
+ Supported priority for cookie (#3854) (@matyhtf)
+ Supported more CURL options (swoole/library#71) (@sy-records)
+ Handled CURL header names in case insensitive manner (swoole/library#76) (@filakhtov) (@twose) (@sy-records)
* Fixed readv_all and writev_all when trigger EAGAIN errno (#3830) (@huanghantao)
* Fixed warning for PHP8 (swoole/swoole-src@03f3fb0) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed binary security of swoole table keys (#3842) (@twose)
* Fixed System::writeFile append file issue when using FILE_APPEND (swoole/swoole-src@a71956d) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION (swoole/library#74) (@sy-records)
* Fixed memory overread when parse form-data boundary (#3858) (@twose)
* Fixed is_callable() can not access internal private callable on PHP8 (#3859) (@twose)
* Refactored memory allocation function, replace macro with SwooleG.std_allocator (#3853) (@matyhtf)
* Refactored pipe (#3841) (@matyhtf)
New APIs
+ Added writeVector, writeVectorAll, readVector, readVectorAll for Coroutine::Socket (#3764) (@huanghantao)
+ Added task_worker_num and dispatch_count for server->stats (#3771) (#3806) (@sy-records) (@matyhtf)
+ Added extension dependencies, including json, mysqlnd, sockets (#3789) (@remicollet)
+ Limited the minimum for uid server->bind is INT32_MIN (#3785) (@sy-records)
+ Added compilation option for JSON decoder, Support negative offset (#3809) (@matyhtf)
+ Added CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY for Curl (swoole/library#65) (@sy-records) (@deminy)
* Fixed sync client::connect error info (#3784) (@twose)
* Fixed the scandir function hooked (#3793) (@twose)
* Fixed some errors in the barrier (swoole/library#68) (@sy-records)
* Optimized print-backtrace, using boost.stacktrace (#3788) (@matyhtf)
New APIs
+ Added swoole_substr_unserialize and swoole_substr_json_decode (#3762) (@matyhtf)
+ Modified Coroutine\Http\Server::onAccept to private property (#dfcc83b) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed coverity issues (#3737) (#3740) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed some bugs on Alpine (#3738) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed swMutex_lockwait (#0fc5665) (@matyhtf)
* Fixed PHP-8.1 build error (#3757) (@twose)
* Added check_liveness for Socket::read/write/shutdown (#3735) (@matyhtf)
* Changed the type of session_id and task_id to int64 (#3756) (@matyhtf)
You can upgrade to Swoole v4.5.9 now if you like to try PHP 8.0.0:
pecl install openswoole
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